Monday, January 12, 2009

WAter intake

today I drank atleast 5 glass of water. Which is great since I went off and left my water at home! I measured myself today. My hips are the main part I would like to loose in. Okay, my tummy and hips are the same THAT area is a problem

I started an excersise journal this morning. I did some resistance training before getting on the treadmill. I only got 3/4 of a mile in today, but I want to start slowly. I tend to hurt myself.

Monday, January 5, 2009

getting started

Getting started is the hard part. Today I am working on cleaning a PERMANANT spot for my treadmill. It had lost it's temporary home.

Tomorrow night is an informational Weight Watchers meeting. I thought it was start up, it isn't. It doesn't officially start until the 15th! ACK!

I have decided that until it starts I will start a mild cleanse, to get my metabolism boosted a bit and clean out my system. Since I have Crohn's Disease I can't do any major cleanses. I tried once, not a good thing.

I will take before pics tomorrow and also do measurements.

I am deciding on rewards for the weight loss. I am in desperate need of a haircut! So that will be with the first 5lbs. I am pondering the next ones.

I am also struggling with my weight loss goal (ultimate). In 2007 I lost 30lbs, 2008 I gained 10 of that back. When I got married I weighed about 110lb. 115lbs when I got pregnant with Lindsey. I gained 40lbs with her. EEK! That was the start of my weight problems. I don't know what is realistic, really. Is 110? Is 115? A size 5 would ROCK! Is that realistic though for having had 5 kids?